Monday, February 27, 2012


Sitting in math - 7:47, class doesn't start for another  minutes , waiting on my bestie to enter the door. Blah.! Today I feel like is going to be one of. Those days that is just going to past me by without a simple though. But you know. Who knows. Ugh. The only people coming in are guys so. Far. I kinda wish that I wasn't so invisible.  But you know it's kind of nice. Yay! 7:49 she's here&  class is going to start!
8:44 second period world Geo.
World Geo. I wonder what we'll learn today haha. I love this class. It's pretty damn amazing.! I don't particularly like the subject we are learning, but whatever. It's the closes thing I can get to history&  a globe. Haha. It's entertaining to an amazing point. The teacher is pretty sick too.. he's pretty good at teach&  he gets off topic too. It's fun. I learn stuff, and I actually like it. The class sucks though.probably won't see any of them in Ap world history. This class is pretty chill though with is nice. He doesn't seem to care I'm updating my blog on my phone. Then again I don't think he sees me. Well I don't blame him I'm a wallflower.... I think that's what you call them. You know people who just blend and not stick out and don't plan to. But kinda stick out. It's sad really. I don't have many close friends in this class very depressing. I wish I was more social. Oh well Ill get there.I'll be friend people little by little. Ah.
Well class is bought to start in a minute 8:49 ! Till break!
9:46 it's break now. Freaking Christ kill me. It's pretty chilly It's not that surprising though. Ima take a picture of a bush. Haha. I just took the picture. Pretty ain't it? Haha. It's pretty cold out. Haah. I'm shaking while writing this. Standing next to my friend right now well now sitting image ignore everyone and write. Haha. I'm so screwed for my next....  never mind thank the heavens. Haha.I was about to take a quiz but it's been moved to Wednesday!  Yay. I'm so happy. Ima take some pictures for ya'll. (: now it's 10:00 now. Time for 3rd. English! Ooo. Heard where watching damovie lucky me DA? It's so cozy in here(:  till later. again.
12:04 pm. Finally lunch. Hanging with my friends and chatting it up. Haha. So fun. Guess my blogs going to die around here or so cause it's pretty damn long. The pictures are so messed up. Hmmm. Life is so entertaining. As well as casual courtesy.  But when I look around at the people around here it drives me to the wall. I want to go up and shut them up. And Oh. I'm a total bitch but I want to just start screaming. And acting like Godzilla right now cause these people won't shut up, they sound like the weeaboos of helllllllll! Fucking Christ!. Waghhh! Ima go and take more pictures.....

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